Yard Stork

Updated on August 28, 2009
M.N. asks from McKinney, TX
4 answers

Does anyone have any recommendations for a yard stork in the McKinney area? I am looking for one that you rent out. Thanks in advance.

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answers from Dallas on

I have never used one myself but one thing that was pointed out to us in childbirth prep classes was that announcing the arrival of a baby like this alerts predators in your area to the fact that there is a newborn in your home. :-( Kind of puts a damper on the excitement, but when we heard that we kind of let go any ideas of doing something similar.

Just passing that info along and NOT trying to criticize!



answers from Dallas on

Not something I would advise you to do. With all the crazies out there, why advertise you have new baby? Send announcements instead. Good luck and congrats!




answers from Dallas on

I haven't used them, but there is a big sign in the Buy Buy Baby on 75 near Preston that advertises the stork signs.



answers from Dallas on

Out breastfeeding teacher said not to do this, While it is exciting and you want to scream it from the rooftops, people will take advantage of this information. There are all sorts of horrible, unimaginable things that people will do!

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