Its stupid, and irresponsible and selfish and harmful to the young kids who are forced to live in this and witness adults fighting to the extent that causes them to need to leave the house. Its not shocking tho. What a shame it isnt. We see it way too often in many places besides homes. Adults screaming, slapping, arguing and calling eachother names in public places, in front of kids and strangers. It makes me sick to see how horrible grown ups treat eachother when young impressionable kids are nearby. Im so glad weve never done that.
Now to answer your question about the most shocking thing that happend to my kids while at a friends house. Years ago we planned a trip to Hawaii for 2 weeks. I spent weeks planning who would keep our kids for this long time and talked it over with many friends and neighbors to make certain they each were understanding the situation and agreeable to taking extra kids for a few days. We sent our youngest to 1 family who had daughters her age and I knew she would have fun and be taken care of. Our son was a different matter and I had to arrange for 4 other families to house him. It just turned out that no one family had enough time free to keep him for 2 weeks. It would mean taking him to school, sports and music and we didnt want anyone to have to go too far out of their way to take him, so he had a good schedual of where and who he was staying with. Everyone had everyone elses numbers and addresses. The first 3 days our son was going to the next door neighbors. They were all happy, and looking forward to his short visit. We left for our first ever "no kids vacation" since having kids. Well, it turned out, the dad next door had planned a surprise visit for his mother in law for his wife for those same days! He had known for weeks. He knew he had bought the plane ticket, and planned her arrival, and he never bothered to say anything to me about it! He let us leave and fly clear to Hawaii knowing he wasnt going to want our son in his house because his mother in law was coming instead! We didnt find out until we called the 2nd day to talk to our son and see how things were going. He wasnt there. They said they had sent him to the next family on the list. We were a bit shocked and called the 2nd family. That family hadnt been available to keep him for 3 more days so they sent him to the next on the list too. We finally tracked him down and were so mad by then that Im sure we sounded like lunatics on the phone. The family who had him for longer than planned was ok with it, but had to include him in things they hadnt intended to. They treated him fine and made him feel welcomed but it was all such a mix up, all due to the neighbor guy who didnt bother to walk next door and tell me he had something planned and didnt want to be bothered with our son those first days. It pretty much spoiled the friendship between us and those neighbors. They never were too willing to think of anyone but themselves anyway.