My husband used a Norelco electric for years (from the time he started shaving until around the time we were married). He is, however, very hairy all over and his face is no exception. He did have a bit of trouble with ingrown hairs on his face, I think from the razor, to the point where he'd have more than 1/2 inch of hair buried under the skin and swollen over. Once he switched to a blade he's had no trouble with ingrowns.
I think there is less nicking with an electric, but you get more razor burn and the ingrown risk. Go with a 2 or 3 blade razor if you go that route. The four+ blades sometimes cut you up more if you're not careful and if he's just learning to shave, you might want to minimize that. A little after shave helps soothe the skin, too. My husband and I both use (and like) the Schick Quattro, and don't find that to be too many blades, but the 5 blades was ridiculous. :)
I've never heard that shaving higher encourages higher beard growth before. If he's going to have a lot of facial hair, he'll have it. Personally, I LOVE beards! (My husband shaves in the summer, stinker.)