I have worked since I was 16 years old, without a break. Even after becoming a teacher, I always taught summer school. But, when I was laid off last June due to budget cuts I thougtht I had won the lottery. I was given the opportunity I would never have taken on my own: to stay at home w/my twins (then 15 months old).
I immediately began scheduling, planning, organizing... Each day I was to complete a specific chore. On Tuesdays we had playgroup with kids their age in the neighborhood. Wednesdays we went to the library for storytime. It was great! For a few months.
Pretty soon our savings was gone and my life was consumed with finances. Then, boredom set in. I couldn't handle the lack of mental stimulation. I began setting new, challenging goals for myself, like potty training. When the girls regressed, I became depressed. I had placed my self worth in the hands of finicky 2 year olds. My housework started slipping and my husband became my boss. (He recently told me that he expects me to work a full 8 hours per day, which he doesn't think I do--even though I'm up w/them at 7am 7 days/wk until 8pm, every night, but that's a different rant.)
At this point, I would give anything to go to work each day. I'd have my babysitter do housework & I would miss & cherish my daughters rather than getting so frustrated by the end of the day after dealing w/the same ol' same ol'. My relationship w/my husband would return to a partnership rather than the current expectation that I take care of everything in regard to our children & home every single day.
I tell you my story just as something to consider. Every mom is different. This might be the job you've always wanted. For me, it came down to whining, "This is not what I wanted to do when I grew up!" I can't spend 12+ hours/day, 365/year without any sort of mental stimulation or break at all.
Best of luck to you as you make your decision!!!