Hi There - Stay positive. We had twins (IVF), and just before starting IVF again to try and add a third to our brood, I conceived naturally. It felt too good to be true I thought, and sure enough, just about when I was due to have a period (i.e. about 5 weeks preg) - I spotted and then it tturned to bright red blood. I told my husband sadly that it was all over, and I called my doctor, who had me come in, we did a scan - and there was our third baby - tiny as can be, with a lovely heartbeat...despite the red blood! He said to go home and just rest - everything looked fine and he could not see the source of the blood. He did say that it happens quite often that your body tries to have a period when you are pregnant. In any case - if I was going to lose the baby - there is pretty much noothing that could be done. Well, the bleeding lasted for just one day - and I remained super tired and tender-breasted. The same thing happened to me about a month later, and then a month later - but each time she hung in. Then it stopped happening and at 39 weeks my 10lb1oz littlest (!) one was born. My mum had the same thing happen to her with my youngest sister. So, chin up, think positive, and good luck. Cheers - from very rainy and windy England! (I miss VA!)