I just started watching another child in my home for $800 dollars a month. I am charging the parents $200 per week and I supply two snacks and lunch. I don't know what your experience is. I believe normally most people pay only about $150-$175 per week. Since I used to teach for 5 years and I have my masters in education I am able to charge more. It's great because I can do what I normally do with my 15 month old which is play and I'm not sidetracked by some other stay-at-home job where I would have to be on the computer or telephone. It is also great for my son because he has a playmate now. If this sounds like a good fit for you, you can ask friends and family if they know of anyone who is looking for daycare or you can post a note in your neighborhood at the mailboxes. I hope you find something soon!