Hi A., Leaving my child for the first time at daycare and going back to work was one of THE HARDEST things I have ever had to do! I don't say this to be negative, but just to let you know that you are by no means alone in your anxiety! I cried just about that whole first day back. Everyone told me it would get better, and it gradually does, although I am still a bit jealous of stay at home moms who do not have to go through this heart-wrenching transition with young babies (i absolutely had to return to work for financial reasons, as many moms do). I also breastfed, and I do believe that it makes it even more difficult in the beginning (although 100% worth it), as you feel that your baby is even more dependent on you. Not only are you worried about everything else to do with daycare issues, but you are also worried about your baby taking the bottle when they are not used to doing this. We had luck with Medela slow flow nipples, and I pumped at work and sent breastmilk to daycare. Not easy but it all worked out. It will take some time to truly build up a trusting relationship with your daycare provider, but once you have this established, you will hopefully have more peace of mind. Good luck and try to hang in there those first few days. It won't be easy for you but your baby will be fine..babies are very adaptable and entertained by other kids and that can be quite helpful if they become fussy--they are easily distracted and fascinated by the older children. Good luck to you!!