Mine all went through a very inconsolable phase, in the evenings only, for us it started at around 6 weeks. Two full weeks of it, but with one of my kids, it lasted into the 3rd month.
I can remember my husband walking our son up and down our hall, swinging him in his car seat. Car rides ..
It will pass. My sister called me one night and could hear my baby crying in the background, with my husband walking him. She said "Oh you've hit the 6 week mark". Her kids were the same. It happens at different ages, different growth spurts.
Some like being swaddled and held very tight, almost sideways. One liked being in her baby carrier. My mother used to do this jiggle jiggle shhhh thing that worked like a charm.
By 4 months, those spells for us passed. It happens to everyone. My husband felt useless because I was breastfeeding, and he couldn't console them. Sometimes that was the only thing that worked. They weren't nursing, so much as needing to soothe.
Soothers ...