I just used the one from walgreens and the first month we used them, we got pregnant! We are due at the end of June!!!
Hello Ladies. I am seeking some advice on Ovulation Kits. We have been trying to get pregnant for 3 months after having a Mirena IUD removed 5 months ago. The first 2 months of periods were a nightmare, but then settled into a routine (until now when my body decided to knock 2 days off and start early throwing off all of my charting...Gggrrr). My Basal Body Temp is all over the place, and wasn't helpful, so I bought the Answer Daily Ovulation Kit. I pee on the strips 3 times a day (recommendation from a friend who used kits for 9 months) and only noticed a brief change one day in the indicator lines. Has anyone used this kit, or any others that they liked? Any advice I should be following? I know that I am supposed to be patient and Zen like but that just isn't me. Any pearls of wisdom out there? Thanks.
I want to thank all of the ladies who responded with their ideas and suggestions. I went with the Clear Blue Easy ovulation predictor (found it much cheaper by looking on Froogle.com BTW, ordered from biousa.com) It is a pretty impressive little gadget, I call it my Bionic Ovulation Tester. This should let me know if all is well (maybe I just can't count or describe my mucous correctly..ha ha.) or if there are problems. I have also picked up the book that was recommended. Thanks to you all on the wonderful site who offer your wisdom and support to strangers every day. It is appreciated greatly.
I just used the one from walgreens and the first month we used them, we got pregnant! We are due at the end of June!!!
Don't know on the ovulation kits, but what I know DOES work is reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. It is a must read for any woman wanting to conceive. Everyone I have recommended it to has gotten pg within just a couple cycles (including a couple in their late 30's), as did we. It goes beyond just charting your BBT to help you recognize all of your fertility signs. You can also chart online for free at fertilityfriend.com, or for a modest fee they throw in a few more bells and whistles to help you predict even more accurately. It worked for us. I wish you the best!!
I personally found the Answer brand to be the best. I tried other brands, but never really saw a "change" in the line. I also charted online. One poster mentioned that during the time of ovulation you should notice a mucousy discharge...I have heard it referred to as egg white mucous....because it resembles egg whites. Sometimes our mucous may be too thick for the little soldiers to swim to their destination....talk to your physician first, but I took Robitussin (the plain kind; no letters, ie. CM, DM) it helps to thin the mucous. Take it from day one of your period up until you O, but then stop. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My best friend had the same problem with the ovulation tests, so she bought th Ovwatch from Amazon.com. It's a little expensive ($189), but she got pregnant in a month. She loaned it to me, and I got pregnant in 2 months. A couple more of her friends used it and also got pregnant within a couple of months.
The ovwatch tells you exactly when you're ovulating. All you have to do is wear the watch overnight.
Good luck!
I used one and I don't recall now which it was but i got the same results...ended up that I was having periods but not ovulating. So doc put me on clomid and I just took it once! Now we have our second baby girl! Hope this is helpful...
I would stick with the charting and read the book Taking Charge Of Your Fertility. The reason I say that is OPKs dont work for everyone. Not only did I find out the hard way but two of my various infertility drs backed up what I learned.
My second son is also proof they didnt work for me. I was charting and using OPKS the month I got pregnant with him. The OPKs never showed that I Oed. Though my chart did.
Just something to keep in mind.
Charting can take a bit to get use to. But I have to say I loved it because I knew what day I was Oing and the day my period would start just by watching my temps.
I am not familiar with ovulation kits, but what I have learned alot about is our hormones. After the age of 35 most women don't ovulate so what we all need is progesterone. Progesterone will aid women in getting pregnant. It is one of those hormones that we only produce when we ovulate and are pregnant(3rd trimester). I use Arbonne products and that is where I have learned so many things about our bodies. Arbonne has a natural progesterone that you can use up to 20 times a day and it will not hurt you. Ck out prolief at www.successfromtheheart.myarbonne.com
I usually order mine from http://www.saveontests.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=1_2
and they are priced good too. The only thing is it takes around a week to get because it comes from Canada. But they are really good company. Also I only test once maybe twice a day I have not heard yet about 3 x a day.
I have a Clear Blue Easy. They are pretty expensive though. My husband and I tried everything as well to get prego. I charted my BBT every morning religiously at 5 am but nothing seemed to work. I finally gave up and got back on pills thinking it was WAY too stressful to "try" to conceive. I took the pills for 1 month wondering why I was spending the money on them b/c we wanted to get prego. Got off of them and got pregnant right after that period!!! Sooooo! My solution was to not "try". It is so stressful on you when you try so hard. I know what you are thinking too! Everyone told me the same thing. Don't try and it will happen. But it didn't seem fair all these people that weren't even married could have sex once and get prego and we tried and couldn't. It got VERY frustrating!! I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers!
I never used any kits. I know you ovulate 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your cycle. Don't try too hard. Notice when you go to the bathroom to pee usually when you are ovulating there will be a clear mucus that is sometimes stretchy at about 1 to 2 inches long. I was told that is the best time. Some women ovulate twice a month. Don't worry about the 2 days. Are you counting your cycle every 28 days? Good luck
I tried the strips too and they never even told me I ovulated...I got pregnant anyway through some divine intervention. I don't recommend them. What I LOVE is the maybemom saliva ovulation predictor. Check out www.maybemom.com. It costs about $50 (less on ebay) but you never buy anything else. It's the size of a lipstick, and each morning you lick one end of it. You wait for it to dry and look through the other end. It's really a tiny microscope. What you see tells you whether you are ovulating or not, either a swirl or crystals. It worked great for me for some time. All of a sudden it didn't seem to work right, and it turned out I had developed a severe hormonal imbalance (hence the divine intervention pregnancy). I use it after the baby comes too, for birth control!
i tried some of the kits with little success and ended up buying the clearblue easy fertility monitor which worked a lot better. it is more expensive but i felt like it was worth it. with the kits i just got faint lines and with the monitor ovulation clearly showed up each month. i know they say not to do it, but you could borrow one from someone. many of my friends have done that.
I know those didn't work for me (pg tests don't always either) the reason being I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome.) I tried for years with the first and didn't know that wasn't normal. The docs wouldn't even test me for it until I threw a fit. When I finally saw a specialist they said if you try for 3 months and aren't pg you should see a specialist. Now, I think I'd say to first get the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. Really neat book that explains that stuff they didn't ever teach us in school! If you still have problems see a reproductive endocrinologist to get your hormones in check (worked for me!)