Where to Post the Sale of a Business Locally?

Updated on November 28, 2009
P.G. asks from San Antonio, TX
3 answers

Besides Craigslist, does anyone know of any business-related sites that are free or don't cost an arm & leg? Thanks!

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answers from Dallas on

Hey P.,
I've seen your post regarding the sale of this business. Sounds like it would be a good business and surprised you have not found anyone yet. Have you thought about contacting the PTA's in the area that you service? Do you have a vehicle that is part of the sale?

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

I would suggest theBump.com. It is a catalog that specializes in pregnant moms with young families. I best this type of business would be very interesting to these young families. It is a bit pricy about $700-$800/year. They are on line and put their catalogs in every OBGYN office in the Dallas area.

Hope this helps.

K. Voigtsberger, CD(DONA), AAHCC

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

I have no idea on costs but how about trying the local magazines like Dallas Child, etc.

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