i think you should go now. have you ever looked to see if your hospital has a sibling class to perpare a older sibling for the arrival of the baby.
I am almost 35 weeks pregnant with a 4 and 2 year old. I remember when I had hte last baby that my daughter was so frightened to come and see me wanted to leave right away. So I thought that I would prepare better this time and take a tour of the OB. The nurses show then where the baby will be and where mom will be and what is all in the room. But when should I take a tour? I don't want to go to soon because what if they forget and to late...well you can answer that. Any help would be great!!
i think you should go now. have you ever looked to see if your hospital has a sibling class to perpare a older sibling for the arrival of the baby.
I would go now and having the kids help u pick an out fit to bring the baby home in. make them feel they are included. that helps alot, we had the new baby bring home a gift for their older sibling. my daughter thaught that was great.
St. Luke's has a wonderful sibling class that will help you with that. The nurses at the help line will be able to tell you when the best time is to do that. Most families go about five weeks before the due date. Good luck!!!!
Since I am an OB nurse I will tell you when I seem to se most mothers come to tour the floor. It seems from around 36 or 37 weeks. If you feel that you will have the baby early, I say go around 36 wks but if you feel that it will be close to term, wait until 37 or 38 and maybe talk with the kids about the experience from that point on so that they remember! I hope you have a wonderful experience with delivery!!! Congrats.