My nine-month old is exactly the same. My plan of attack:
I have a finger-food that I ration-out on his tray and feed him some foods that I've found too difficult to eat by hand (like kale, spinach, oatmeal, etc.) by spoon. I get the spoon-food in between his own bites...he gets very upset when there's nothing to self-feed.
In terms of finger-food, our favorites have been these:
1. organic, uncooked tofu with nutritional yeast sprinkled on top
2. bananas
3. crushable pears (d'anjou is our favorite)
4. kiwi (no skin, same as pears)
5. cheese pieces
6. well-steamed broccoli pieces
7. well-cooked pasta pieces, whole wheat
8. well-cooked beans/legumes (lima, navy, garbanzo, etc.)
I also sprinkle some kelp powder on the food--great source of everything good
Cold food seems to be his preference; I've found that babies don't need to have the "perfect" temp.
The book Super Baby Food Book has awesome recipes for beginning eaters and toddlers. I use almost everyone for myself and my husband: slight adjustments make it great for us too.
good luck, it's so much fun