Technically, you could have already started her on people food, just blended up like in comes in the jars of baby food. She could be eating what the rest of your family eats, just smashed. Or, you could make her own food out of real food we eat. If it is fresh veggies, steam it with or without any seasoning. Puree it, pour it up in an ice cube tray and freeze. Once frozen take the blocks out and store in the freezer in a zip lock bag. One ice cube is equal to a serving. Take out, warm up, and serve.
Fruit can be done the same way, puree, freeze, etc.
When my son was a baby, I couldn't bear the thought of giving him the baby food meats. So, I took sandwich meat ham, turkey, and roast beef and chopped them up in a mini-food processor, basically emulsify it. I would give him one slice as a serving.
As she gets more teeth and you watch to make sure she is getting the chew concept down, you can let the food be small pieces instead of pureed.
No peanut butter before age 2, no raw honey before 1. I also held off on shell fish until 2. Luckily we have not discovered any food allergies in my son and he is 7 now.
As they get older, the more you vary what they eat, the more likely they will eat it as they grow.