My grandson started saying Mama, Dada and Mimi (I'm Mimi) at around 6 1/2 months old. His first word other than those was bird. We have an African Gray who is very vocal. He loves to look at her and point at her. When he first started pointing I would say that's a bird and he would say "bu", then it went to "bu-d". After a couple of weeks he finally said bird clearly. This was at around 9 1/2 months. He'll be a year old in 6 days and he can say Mama, Daddy, Mimi, Nana (he has an aunt Nana), bird, ball, dog, done, down and no. We've gotten him to say Pawpaw a few times but he doesn't like to call his Pawpaw that. He calls him Mama. I don't know if he does this because my daughter favors her father or if he thinks it's funny. We correct him when he does this but on the inside I think it's hilarious!!! Though sometimes when they are together it's hard to tell who he is calling for unless he goes to one of them. I know you didn't ask all of that but I wanted to share my silly story.