Well girl I have the opposite problem, my (almost) 19 month old does not say mama or mum-mum. He will say dada or daddi, and this is one out of only four words he will say! I have been soo worried about him not saying many words, and everyone tells me that in time they will come! Not to mention, they tell me that once he starts talking he won't shut up! Im sure that may be true but for now I am concerned about him speaking. When I asked the doctor about it she said that by 15 months they should say 3 words (of some sort) and by 18 months they should say 4 words. The thing is, they never say what the words should be! So maybe most babies say dada first, but its not required before they can say other things. I really think it depends on the child. I think your baby is doing great if he can say all those other things, he is doing better than mine! I will just tell you what everyone tells me- don't worry about it, the words will come! Plus I have spoken to other mothers with boys that are older than mine and they said that theirs didn't speak much until 2! The doctors have also told me that boys can be slower to talk. What words they specifically say doesn't matter, as long as you notice an effort to talk from them! I noticed in my son, that if he can get away with out saying words, he will. Also, I have noticed, the more I want him to try saying a word, the more he refuses- it is almost a game to him "watch mommy get frustrated because I'm not talking- ha ha ha. " Encourage him to say it but don't get stress yourself over it!