Never...always kept my eyes out for the darn thing...must have been at some point in active labor or something...
Lovely question eh?! haha...for me, when i had my son, ii lost my plug at 37 weeks and had him not even a week later. i am pregnant again, 31 weeks, almost 32 :) i know we're getting close!! i
am interested in other peoples stories.
Never...always kept my eyes out for the darn thing...must have been at some point in active labor or something...
Eww, never, in either pregnancy.. One, my water broke at home, naturally, and the other I was induced. It must have been at the hospital when I was already on the table pushing or when my Dr broke my water. I hope I don't have to see it this time around! Did I just jinx myself?
I never knew with either pregnancy. I never saw it or anything and nothing "changed" down there.
My second and third I didn't loose it until I was in active labor. With my first I lost it the evening after my OB stripped my membranes without asking or permission. I went on to carry 2 more weeks before delivering him.
Congratulations on your soon to be baby! May you have a quick and easy labor and delivery!
I was 38 weeks when I lost it and then 2 in half hours later my son came into the world. I wonder how it's gonna happen when my husband and I decide to have a second one.
8 hrs prior to having my son. In bed asleep and it felt like someone just went inside and jerked it out, and all the sudden here comes my water.
I lost it at 38 weeks. About 10 hours later, my water broke. No natural labor though.
I never noticed if it came out. I guess it must have! I do know I got bloody show on friday and delivered on Monday. Maybe it was with that.
NEVER!!! I am always waiting on that darn plug though! This is my third time around so MAYBE I will lose it this time and then go into labor on my own, here's hoping!! I am 36 wks and starting to dilate so this could be my time ;) Congrats :D
I never did... My kid really didn't want to come out! :)
About 2 hours before I felt the first labor pain.
It was 3am on a Monday morning and I had to use the bathroom.
Cleaning up was a bit gooier than I expected, but I just went back to bed.
At 5am I felt a cramp and labor slowly got started.
36 hrs later our son was born exactly on his predicted due date.