I would be very suspicious too....even if this is an innocent friendship, the fact that he hasn't been honest and up front about it is concerning. There is a deeper issue here if he feels he needs to seek another woman, even for friendship and cellphone conversation. He is sharing a part of himself that he should be sharing with YOU. I would strongly encourage you both to get some couple counseling, to talk about what is really going on in your relationship. If he refuses to go, then go yourself....it will help you get a perspective on things. (I personally think EVERYONE needs a good therapist!)My therapist would give me ideas and help me think of what to say to my husband to encourage him to communicate his feelings. It did a world of good! Also please take care of yourself; I mean be sure that you have some friends or other support to strengthen you emotionally and not lose your self-esteem during all this. Remember that you are worthy of love!
K. G.