Hi L.,
I too am 37 and have a 12 year-old, 8 year-old (both dds), and a 4 year-old ds.
There were "issues" with both my girls K teachers. My approach has been to find from my child her "reasons" why she doesn't like the teacher, then to be my child's "voice" as an advocate, in a non-accusing or threatening way, while stressing my desire to be the teacher's ally and support. For example, one the situations involved my daughters perception, that she would be in trouble with the teacher if she got something wrong on her homework. So, we met with the teacher and I told the teacher that "somehow" my child got the impression that she would be in trouble if she makes a mistake. With me there, she told my child that she too makes mistakes and that my child would not be in trouble. The whole point of this approach is to let the teacher know that you will address the concerns of your child and that your are around and involved. There were other incidents, which were handled similiarly. I also worked in the classroom and took home cut-outs and such to help the teacher.
I also had to approach my daughters and let them know, that sometimes teachers make mistakes too and that they have their own opinions, which don't have to affect what they think of themselves (I know it sounds like a lot for a 5 year-old to get, but they can). Same teacher......was rewarding children with candy for correct answers. My dd didn't get candy one day and thought because of it, she wasn't smart. I told her that she was smart whether she got candy or not. I asked her to think about the other children who didn't get candy on other days when she did. If she wanted, she could give her candy away to one of the children who was sad because they didn't get candy, because getting candy doesn't make you smart.
That was a tough year with that particular teacher, but my child will come in contact with difficult teachers or those that she may not connect with or bosses that she must learn to get along with throughout her life. I figure we start now with making the best of it......turn lemons into lemonade.
Please forgive me for being so long winded.......
Have a great day!