What to Do for a Friend Who's in Another State?

Updated on May 14, 2013
M.B. asks from Clearwater, FL
9 answers

My friends 1.5 year old is in the hospital with pertussis. I want to do something to show support but I'm in a different state. Any ideas on what I can do for her? TIA
Added: she doesn't vaccinate, I've already talked about boosters. She has a 3 year old at home.

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone, I sending her a gift card for food as well as arranging a maid to help with laundry and chores

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Poor kiddo, I hope he lives through this. It's just so sad when something like this happens. Especially with an illness that is usually preventable.

I grew up with a neighbor who had Polio, I can't imagine ever taking a chance that my kiddo's could get that disease. So they got vaccinated.

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answers from Dallas on

How long is he supposed to be in the hospital? Does she have other children at home? You could send her a gift card if there is a starbucks in the hospital or you could arrange for a meal to be sent to her house for the rest of her family. You could text her encouraging messages and find out how she is doing. You could be available if she wants to talk on the phone.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I got good tips on a similar questions a few weeks ago. The ones that were most helpful to me:
1) a fruit and/or snack basket sent to the hospital so the parents have something to eat while they are there
2) gift cards to restaurants near the hospital or near the house so the parents can pick up ready-made food
3) if she has a long drive between her house and the hospital, and she's making that trip frequently, books on CD to pass the time
4) in some cities you can find companies that will make and deliver homemade dinners - send some meals for the freezer.
5) hire a housecleaning service to clean her house one day. She probably doesn't have time if she spending all her time in the hospital.

I hope your friend's child is ok.

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answers from Washington DC on


if she is not a proponent of vaccinations, there's not much you can do for her. I'm surprised the doctor's have not told her the seriousness of this illness and that her son can die. It is contagious - which means her other child CAN/MIGHT get it as well.

To show her support? If you have the funds? I would do a maid service for her. Even have her put her laundry out for a laundry pick up service to get that done as well. I know that sounds expensive - but my laundry pick up service is no more expensive than driving to the store to drop it off and get it.

If you can't afford that? I would find out what restaurants are around her and either get a gift card for her to be able to pick up or have delivery.

Good luck!!

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answers from Honolulu on

**ETA: I read your update.
Geez, she does not vaccinate. Hmmm.
Well, just know that... the reason our State Dept. of Heath had a vaccine campaign on Pertussis and getting booster shots is:
A 6 month old baby... DIED, because of Pertussis. In our State. The parents and the baby were on holiday. The baby got it from an AUNT... who thought she just had a common cold. Pertussis presents differently, in adults. BUT she actually had Pertussis. The baby got it. The baby got sick. At first they just thought baby had a cold. BUT it was Pertussis. By the time they got the baby to the Doc, baby was admitted to the hospital. But the baby, died. From... Pertussis.
Pertussis is VERY serious.
This family, also did not believe in vaccinations. Their baby was not vaccinated. Nor were they vaccinated. But NOW since their baby died... they are proponents of the vaccine.

If she has other kids in the home and with herself and her Husband... they should all be making sure... they ALSO get their Pertussis BOOSTER, shots.
Probably the Doc told them this.
But my daughter who is 10, this is also the age bracket at which they need booster shots. And adults as well etc.
Our own State Dept. of Health, had a public info campaign on it too.

Anyway, depending on her tastes... you could just have a lovely basket from Harry & David, sent to her.
This was a favorite of my Dad's.
And of our family.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I like the ideas you posted in you SWH.
You could add having a hot meal delivered from somewhere in her area.
Just google it.
It could be a hot meal like (roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls
or a lasagna, salad & garlic bread etc. Google companies that do just
this or restaurants that deliver & sell this kind of food.)

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answers from Washington DC on

If she's on facebook, you could send her a get well video from you and your kids (make it private to her)

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answers from Miami on

Edible Arrangements is great. They provide a beautiful flower basket for you...except it is made out of fruit, so not only is it beautiful, but you get some use out of it by eating the fruits, unlike flowers that just die. Every time I have stayed in the hospital or my dad has, someone has sent one of these baskets and not only does the patient enjoy it, but the family does too.



answers from Boca Raton on

some of these responses about vaccines are hilarious! Do you people know the stats for those that had children die, seriously injured or other long term damage FROM vaccines?
It is awful that M.'s friend has problems with her child being ill. Do you really think that's the time to give a little "I told you so"?

There is a government fund put together for those that have lost loved ones or been permanently damaged from vaccines.
Don't be smug folks. There are pros and cons for both ways of thought.


btw, very nice that you want to do something for your friend in her time of need.

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