Most small children hate clippers...not only because of the noise they make, but their little scalps are very sensitive. I am a professional stylist, and i wish parents would just forgo on the clipper cuts until their children are three or so. As far as I know I have never heard of clippers that do not make noise or minimal noise. Mostly I beleive the problem is one, it is a stranger touching them, two when one is getting a clipper cut it is generally very short, which requires pressing on the scalp in order avoid "lines" and to make it appear blended, this is annoying at the least for a small child's sensitive scalp, (and yes, this is what you have to do to have a blended clipper cut, otherwise it looks like garbage)also, some kids find this very ticklish, and three I have noticed that moms, and dads for that matter have a tendency to bring their children when they are about ready for lunch or nap which is a recipe for disaster. A little incentive goes a long way (think promise of a lolli pop or sticker) after the hair cut, not during, and just do scissors, they have plenty of time to look "clean cut" and like a little man.