I understand how extremely hard this must be; neither of my children slept through the night until 12 months of age, but my second child was more clingy and wanted to be rocked. I read "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" and that helped. I did the method where I sat by the crib and if she stood up I would lay her back down (without picking her up or speaking anything but 'night night'). It seem to take forever, but she knew I could hear her, I was right there. It helped her to know I was there and to learn she could put herself back to sleep. Each night the time it took got less and less.
I am not an advocate of CIO, you may check out Dr. Sear's website...askdrsears.com for lots of information...go to his A-Z index and 'cry it out' for lots of articles on his advice.
Also, our children did great with white noise...a fan pointed away from the bed, a humidifier, something loud. We must have ran that thing every night for two years. Also, my girls both have a lovey that they only get at bedtime; same deal as with the pacifier at that time. Lovey does not play with us during the day or go on errands (road trips are okay since they nap in the car). So the girls love to run to their rooms and get their lovey. Just an idea if she doesn't already have one.