If your husband does not start a new job and your income is low to moderate, you may qualify for Medicaid. My understanding is that Cobra is pretty expensive. If you are raising your grandchild more than half time, she may qualify for medicaid even if you don't, because the income limits are different for children than for adults. It's worth checking into that now, for all of you. You would contact the county office - if you live in Arapahoe county, you could go in person to the office on Alameda, or see http://www.co.arapahoe.co.us/Departments/HS/index.asp
I probably would call the mortgage company now as well. If the income isn't there, then you will definitely need to talk with the company about other options for modification or foreclosure prevention, and from what I understand that is not always easy or fast - so I'd begin now if it were me. That said, I think it's good to stay calm and expect things to work out because a positive attitude can only help bring positive outcomes.
Good luck to you -- I really hope all works out well for your family.