they taught me morals, respect, being polite, manners
My dad he taught me everything I needed to know about cars... before I could get my licence. He taught me how to "properly" ( in his words) mow a lawn and take care of a garden. He taught me that even real men cry.
My mom taught me how to cook from scratch, clean and do the laundry the correct way. How to make meals go farther, she showed me how to love and respect thier spouse. She also showed me how to fix things up around the house. She would get tired of waiting on dad so her and I would do the repairs together. Sometimes dad would have to come behind and show us what we did wrong... but after a few years we had it mastered! ;)
They both taught me how tough love is sometime the best way... but there is also plenty of affection and fun times to go around, you just need to be open to it. No matter what mistakes I made they showed me how to pick myself up, wipe off my hands and knees and try again knowing they had my back.