In my day, when you missed your second period you went to doctor for the blood test lol. No EPTs that goodness. Good luck.
What day of your cycle did you find out you were pregnant? :) That is all! :)
I can't remember with dd, husband swears I was a week late from my period and it finally showed up, but I don't remember that. I'm on day 30 and don't have any signs to show for anything, which is really really odd. Took a test on day 28, then on day 30, and nether show a positive. (two lines). We've been ttc for 13 months, but I was wondering when your tests showed positive?
In my day, when you missed your second period you went to doctor for the blood test lol. No EPTs that goodness. Good luck.
Umm.... so late it didn't matter. Likely five weeks along in retrospect. My cycles have always been erratic, and frankly, after a rather debauched camping trip (waking up to mud at 6 a.m. and swigging whiskey as we threw the tent into the trunk) a few days later, I thought "I feel pukey" and took a prego test. Presto! Pregnant.
(just to say, don't sweat it if you have had a few drinks or did stupid things in that first few weeks. :) )
I had a pregnancy test show positive on day 24, 4 days before I was due to start my period.
My last pregnancy (that I just miscarried) I found out 5 days before my period was to start. I just had a feeling and the test confirmed. My cycles were 25 days so it gets funky when you are trying to figure out ovulation and when to test. Then to figure out due date...
I have a friend that took tests on the days following her expected period and they showed negative too. Sometimes it takes a while to show up.
I wish you the best!
I waited until my period was at least two weeks late. I wanted to make sure I was REALLY pregnant, not be happy about an early positive test only to be disappointed when/if my period started because the pregnancy never really "took."
For me, both times, it was exactly 10DPO.
The first day I missed my period so day 28.
With my first, I got a positive on the day my period was due, according to my calculations. I had been keeping track and we were actively trying, so I tested that first possible day. We were lucky to conceive right away, we'd only been trying for 2.5 weeks.
With my second, I was 10+ weeks along. We hadn't been trying and it didn't occur to me to test until my pants wouldn't button. My cycle was messed up after having the first, so skipping a couple of months was not unusual.