I work from home full time and have had a nanny since my daughter was 3 years old. To be succesful make sure where ever you are working is off limits to your son - an office or bedroom with a closed door: you want to make sure he gets the feeling you are not there and the nanny has the full authority when you are working. There will be moments when you will just want to go out and intervene - stop yourself - let the nanny handle it - if she can't let her know she can always come you. I personally let the two nannies I have had use my car - its a large SUV and I know that it is maintained and also so they are not using there own gas. There have been times that I need to go out on appointments so I do have a 2nd car seat for her to use her own car in those situations. I think the running errands is fine - so long as the child is up for it and the nanny is confident taking the child out to stores etc, 2.5 can be tricky at stores sometimes. The cooking dinner thing is really above and beyond the duties of a nanny - you are paying for her to watch your child not be a house keeper or prepare your dinner. Picking up after the child is normal and expected but above that you would need to set those expectations before she starts working. Having food she likes in the house is nice but my girls have always brought something or gotten lunch when out and about.