I'd wait until 20+ weeks, the norm... they told my friend she was having the opposite sex... 4 times... at early ultrasounds ;)
That my doc will be able to tell the sex of our baby at my next appointment on August 10? I will be 14/5 at that point...
I know, I know, it's early, may not be accurate, etc., but still. I don't want to wait another 4 weeks until my next appointment, so I'm really, really hoping they see something...
How early did you find out?
I wouldn't go hog wild and buy a ton of stuff and rip all the tags off, or anything... LOL
But I'd still like to have a guess this time around... I won't place a ton of stock in it though...
With my son, I was 16 weeks when I found out...
I'd wait until 20+ weeks, the norm... they told my friend she was having the opposite sex... 4 times... at early ultrasounds ;)
I had a level 2 ultrasound at 16 weeks and the Perinatologist told us it was a boy...no a girl...no a boy...no a girl...sorry just can't tell yet.
Fyi...My baby is a girl!
I was pregnant with twins and had to see a specialist. I called and asked if anyone needed to be with me and she said well your husband maybe and said that if the babies were cooperating that we would be able to find out the sex. I was totally shocked because I think I was like 16 weeks and they told me two girls that day.....my mom worked in the same office complex and was there too. I had a feeling it was girls and my mom is in the medical field. After the sonogram she kept trying to convince me that it might not be accurate because she was told that the testicals don't drop or whatever until 21 weeks. I finally sighed and said "Mom I know how much you would like a grandson but I am going to give you two beautiful healthy grandaughters that you will love and cherish so hush.....neither one is a boy mom. She finally gave it a rest and at 36 weeks I gave birth to two beautiful, healthy baby girls that light up my life every single day and you know what my mom loves those girls more than anything in this world-lol! Oh and the hubby....I told him girls can play football, baseball, hockety, etc just as best as the next guy and even sometimes better ;())
I was 14 weeks when the sonogram technician told us our first was a boy, in fact he said he was 99% sure. So many people told us it was too early, that we didn't believe it for real until the next sono we had around 18 weeks. With our daughter, we were told at 16 weeks.
The first time we tried to find out the sex of our son he decided to close his legs and flip them back over his head. I was about as far along as you were. The next time when I was about 21 weeks his legs were open and bingo we found out he was a boy. Good luck.
We had some genetic testing done due to our bloodwork results from the first trimester screening...so I found out at 13 weeks with my 2nd baby (and at 20 weeks with my first). Honestly I think you're going to have to wait until the next appt. to be able to tell from the ultrasound.
I found out at 20 weeks. Test these websites out. First see if your first kids were accurate on these charts, then try out your newest pregnancy (I went to the websites after my son was born and yes, both said he'd be a boy).
technically the sex organs are still differentiating until week 20. I read you MAY be able to tell at 16 or 17 weeks, but that's with full cooperation and a good picture. This is interesting: http://www.baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html
I think it depends on "what" they can see and whether or not the baby is "facing" the right way to get a good view!
A girlfriend of mine went to her 16 week appointment and was told that the tech was pretty sure she was having a boy, but that she shouldn't start painting until the 20 week appointment!
I found out around 16 weeks I think... they MAY see something, you never know until the u/s!
They told me at my 20 week U/S both times. Both times my first U/S was before 10 weeks and the 2nd was at 20. But both times I knew what I was having. I knew I was having a girl first time and knew I was having a boy second time. I was too shy to say it with my daughter, but told the tech with my son I already knew. That intuition works good for me and babies. I hope they can see something, and they might be able to, so I hope they can get a good pic of that baby for you. I too am one who has a strong desire to know.
A lot of places won't tell you until 16/18 weeks for a couple reasons: because they don't want people doing sex-selective abortions and because they don't want to be wrong. A good ultrasound tech can tell by about 11 weeks, but I'd be surprised if they will tell you unless there is a good (genetic) reason why they would. But maybe you'll get an easy going one. Good luck!
Found out with my daughter at 24 weeks and with my son at 18 weeks. I am still pregnant with him. With both I knew what they were before the u/s.....I could just feel it.
14 weeks said I was having a girl---and they were right! Don't go out and buy the baby clothes yet, though, just in case they are wrong. Best wishes!
I would be weary of anything they tell you. I have had many friends get told the sex earlier than 20 weeks and later found out it had been wrong (after they bought a ton of stuff). I have heard there are some blood tests that can tell earlier than 20 weeks. It is possible but I would just be cautious.
My friends sister found out at 14 weeks. I thought that was super early, she is still pregnant so I guess only time will tell if that prediction is correct.
At 17 1/2 weeks, they couldn't tell b/c my little one wasn't cooperating. They said I'd have to wait for my next sono at 32 weeks until I busted out crying b/c I wanted to know so bad. They caved and did another one the next week and we found out that I was having another girl. :)
i think every doc is different...they don't want to be liable for telling you something wrong if it turns out to not be right! lol I mean wouldn't you rather be absolutely sure either way than having someone say "well, i think..." Mine wouldn't tell me until 20 weeks but we were definitely sure at that point!