With two sucessful pregnancies the odds are lower from what I've read but not sugnificantly. Your odds of miscarriage are from 20 to 25 percent during the first trimester, 5%
there after.
Although most doctors agree that once you've seen a healthy heartbeat and a baby measuring dot on to it's EDD then the odds drop and once you've seen it twice then the odds drop no matter if it's the 9th week or 7th week drop to the 5% as well.
Oh and most miscarriages happen in the first 6 weeks before you've even can see them on the ultrasound machine.
I've had 3 successful children and 5 miscarriages. I've had miscarriages after successful children so I know it can happen at any time. It's out of our hands. You just hope a good egg, a good spermy, implant properly on the proper day and everything else went perfect. It's really tricky business all about timing if you think about it.
Good luck and assume all is good till there is reason to assume otherwise. Obsessing about it isn't gong to make a difference.