Not sure about recognizing their name however, they seemed to recognize our voices right away.
What age did your infant respond to your voice? Like if you were across the room and you said "good morning" - when did they turn their head to "find" the sound?
When did they seem to recognize your voice?
How old were they when they began to recognize their own name?
Not sure about recognizing their name however, they seemed to recognize our voices right away.
I honestly don't remember, probably because the responses were within the developmental range.
If you need info - here's a link:
my baby was born on sunday. the only person he opened his eyes for for a couple of days was his big sister. he opened his eyes and tried to turn his head towards her right away.
I think right around 8-12 weeks they really started responding to my voice... if memory serves. It was a while ago.
You could probably google milestones for a infant/toddler.
Around 6 weeks. I was teaching Sunday School and came in afterwards to the nursery. They had been having a really hard time calming him. One lady had him up on her shoulder and I spoke. He raised his head toward me and burst out crying!
The moment I first spoke her name.
They laid her on my stomach, her face was facing away the moment she was born.
The nurse asked "So what is her name?" I said her whole name out loud, our daughter lifted her head and turned it towards me and blinked! I knew at that moment we were on the ride of our lives!
My baby is almost 12 weeks old and he has been responding to my voice for quite awhile, probably since the beginning, though it's hard to tell at first because they can't see or focus very well. I am pretty sure he knew my voice from the moment he was born.
Really responding, like staring at me and smiling and stuff, probably a month or so ago, maybe earlier, but let's say around 8 weeks?
I don't think he knows his name though. They don't start to pick up language til way later, and I call him all kinds of other things anyway :)