We were calm Good Nights/Underjams users up until my daughter was 7 1/2. A urologist I'd seen myself had even said not to worry about it--even her 6yo was in Underjams. My mom though gave me an article by Dr. Sears with kind of a list of things he tries going through with kids who wet at night (sorry no link--she actually cut it out of the paper), and one of them was treating constipation. I didn't really think of my daughter as someone with chronic constipation, but she did seem to have some issues. We tried some stool softener, but no deal. When she was being treated for GERD though, the doctor thought she saw a possible intestinal back up on the xray and had us try an enema and follow with prescription laxative powder (I know it's available over the counter too, but don't know for sure if it's the same dosage--Myralax, I think it's called???). She instantly went from wet about six nights/week to dry every night--like starting that night didn't wet the bed. She's only had 2-3 minor leakages since, and they have been on days when she hasn't had her powder (stomach virus, can't remember the other). That's been since June--no wetting on any day she has had her powder. She has what is called maybe a forward place anus??? Apparently it's really common in girls. I guess she had some hard poo in there and it pushed on or irritated her bladder. I'm not saying this causes all bedwetting, but with a girl especially it might be worth checking out.