WEDDING Recomendation???

Updated on January 22, 2009
J.I. asks from Cape Coral, FL
5 answers

My Fiance & I are trying to plan a wedding. Along w/ that comes all the stress. My there anyone out there that found any really good places to hold a reception in Cape Coral. Any idea's on a DJ? Photographer? Caterer? ANYTHING or ANYONE that you would recomend for a wedding???

Location: Cape Coral

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answers from Fort Myers on

RCMedia Services is great for photos. Tonya just did ours and they were great. Don't have her phone number at my fingertips, but is her web site.

Also Grace Community Center just opened on Hancock Bridge Parkway. It is technically a NFM address, but it right on the edge of Cape Coral. Brand new facility. Call Grace Church ###-###-#### to find out cost and availability.

Congratulations and Good Luck!



answers from Fort Myers on

My friend had her Wedding at the Cape Coral Yhat Club. They got married and had the reception in the same room. It was large enough to accomodate all of the guests (there must have been close to 200) and lots of room left for dancing and a stage to put a DJ on etc.

I dont know how much it was but It had to be pretty inexpensive as they do not have much money and it was kind-of an "Oh no I'm pregnant lets get married" wedding




answers from Fort Myers on

I can recomend a photographer. Her name is Regina Toops, her phone number is ###-###-####. Very reasonable and very talented.



answers from Fort Myers on

Hi! I am going thru backed up mamasource email and saw yours. My friend, Gerard, is DJ Slinky (ft. myers) and he does weddings. This is his email:

He is a nice guy, I hope its a good match!

Either way congrats, good luck and have a fun time planning! (you want your memories to be happy not stressful)




answers from Fort Myers on

Dearest Jamie ~

Sue Totterdale,
This is my answer to your question - THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY TO GET MARRIED!!!

Sue is the sweetest, most wonderul woman! She helps you plan your wedding; she books the DJ, the Photography, helps you locate a reception based on where you want to get married (she helps you narrow it all down!), etc. I would have never been able to get through it all if it had not been for this wonderful, professional, and carring woman.

My husband and I were married late April, 2008. It was the most wonderful wedding!! No stress!! I was itching to get down the isle! And it went sooooo smooth! I planned it 6 mos ahead of time, which gave me plenty of time to solidify all the details with Sue.

Do yourself a favor and contact her. Simply go to her website and grab her number.

I wish you the very best! God Bless you and your future Husband!

If you have any questions about this wedding coordinator or the services she offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.
You can reach me by email: OR T.
Cape Coral, FL.

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