If you haven't tried this already...try mixing a little formula to your breast milk, and then slowly increase the ratio of formula to breast milk over the course of a week or two. That may help him to get used to the formula taste gradually so that by the time it's completely formula, he will hopefully be used to the taste.
If that doesn't work, another thing to try is using a sippy or straw cup instead of the bottle, if he is ready for it. Since he's used to getting your breastmilk from a bottle, he may resist getting anything else out of the bottle. So you could offer him the formula (or formula/breastmilk mixture) in a sippy or straw cup to see if that helps.
As far as better tasting formulas...every kid is going to have their own preference. If you're not having any luck with this particular formula, don't be afraid to try some others until you find one that your son seems to like better.
Good luck! And good luck finding a mom's group too - you also posted about that, right? I'm in a mom's group in Canton and love it. I suggest looking online to see if you can find any established groups in your area. Another good source to check is local churches - they often sponsor mom's groups and you usually don't have to be a member at that specific church - or even subscribe to that particular religion - in order to join.
Good luck!