I don't see why she needs to be weaned from her night bottle, I love that last bottle as I rock my one year old to sleep at night, I don't do the whole weaning thing I follow there cues, the more active they become the less bottles they take, same for food. My 15 monthe old usually sleeps threw the night, not always, and if he wakes I give him his bottle, there little bodies no what they need and then they give us the clue. One technique I use to help them fall asleep on thier own w/out letting them cry it out, which I find to be cruel is when they are sleepy and ready for a nap, i lay them down next to me on the couch I sit and they lay down, i give them thier bottle and just sit next to them I put my hand on thier leg or tummy so that I am still there, it doesn't happen right off, and still with time have to rock them those first few days but slowly they start to it on thier own, and then I remove myself from the couch when I lay them down, it doesn't happen over night as nothing does w/ most little ones but it does it in a way that I feel good about and causes very little stress for the little ones, I always rock at night just because w/ all the kids I have he is more interested in what they are doing no matter how tired he is :) I also enjoy that time with him, plus it gives me a reason to tell everybody to leave me alone for a few minutes, it's my "break" time, you can use the same tech with the crib but put a chair in there with and sit by the bed, don't talk to them though it makes it harder to work, and just slowly move away from the bed, don't expect her to sleep threw the night yet some kids don't master it until they are 2, I know some moms believe a child should, but even we adults don't always sleep threw the night and some times wake up for no reason, it is just life, but I beleive it can be done without tormenting a child into fitting into what we want them to do. Good luck.