Oh my gosh. He needs to just back out and act as if nothing happened.
I can not believe any one that has had this type of scandal in his life, would attempt to still go for it....(I am not a fan of Clinton and his scandal either so do not go there)
It is not like he is, not saying it did not happen. In fact it is just the opposite.
He is agreeing something happened, and instead of facing the lawful consequences of his actions....he PAID the women to go away. ANYONE in a position of needing money, would take that deal. All the ladies if I understand correctly had just lost jobs or were in the process of doing so(i have only heard this...I do not know it as fact in my own head yet I still have to do some reading on the issue).
He never once HONESTLY said he did not do anything. When he did say it.....he came back like six hours later and said.....something else.
This guy is not someone who should be running the free world. He has no idea what he is doing and has shown that time and time again.
Sex scandal or not. This is just showing his true colors more and more.
I could see maybe ONE bad story in a see of allegations. So maybe Mrs. Bailek is the bad story...She was the first to come forward...But I believe the SIXTH victim noted. So, maybe she saw a lime light. He still has many more people saying this about him. Two of which seem very legit.
I think Herman Cain needs to focus on keeping his personal life together. The American People deserve a REAL shot at fixing the issues. We do not need to be the tabloid title across the globe because he was paying people off to skirt getting hit with Sexual Harassment charges.
He is making the rest of the Republican Party look bad. I am not trying to be mean to those who like him. But there is a better choice out there. in my opinion.
I am confused why it is a Smear campaign...Is it because he is a Republican involved in a sex scandal....Because I Anthony Wieners career was ruined over something that yes was a bit more apparent.....But he owned up to eventually. Herman Cain has not in come out and said I absolutely did not do anything...he went with needing to pay them off. That is not smear. that is wrong. Paying someone to be quite and go away is not ok. That is saying that something happened, but we do not want you to seek your rights to seek justice for what happened.
I am not smearing the Right side. Because there are a few on the right I am really trying to listen too. So I can make the best choice for next year. When you are coming to a debate...and the moderator asks you about Sex harassment allegations....Maybe that is not where you should be answering questions, of that nature. This is a serious time in our lives. And to have someone with that many skeletons in his closet at the time of entry, is not good. Because that only gives the media something to pick apart while he is in office....instead of focusing on the REAL issues.
I just think it would be smart to pick someone who is a bit more Transparent.
I do not see it as smear. I see it as a truthful moment he can not talk or pay his way out of.