Water Babies Swim Lesson Is It SAFE

Updated on June 22, 2009
G.R. asks from Dallas, TX
6 answers

I was wondering if water babies swim classes are safe. I have heard that their not safe because of water being swallowed by babies can cause their blood to thin out. Is that true? Also I hear that teaching babies at an early age to swim safe does not make a difference versus learning to swim at three years of age. My concern is physically. I don't want to have problems later that could get WATER INTOXICATION. If anyone has a child in swim classes or has any advice please let me know. Thanks.

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answers from Dallas on

Not sure of her reasoning, but our pediatrician doesn't recommend swim lessons before the age of 4. From my experience, my son didn't learn and retain much from his swimming lessons until he was 4. We tried the first lessons at age 3.



answers from Dallas on

I saw, on a news show a few weeks ago, that babies who spend time in a clorinated pool before the age of two have much worse allergies. Sorry, I don't remember the exact show or date.



answers from Dallas on

I have heard that swim lessons aren't the best idea in the world, at least not in the anticipation of the kid actually learning to swim at a young age. I think the exposure to the water for so long does pose some health risks. I can say that I did a little reading and decided that a short two week class for my 1 yr old was okay. He is in there with his dad and really just getting used to the water. That's my only goal and I do not anticipate him learning much. I just want him to try something new and get out of the house a bit (my husband works from home). He had his third "lesson" today and did learn to kick, lol. I say go for it, but nothing too long and not actual "learn to swim" lessons.



answers from Dallas on

I started my daughter when she was 9 months old and my son when he was 24 months old. My daughter loved it, but did not really ever learn how to swim this is now the 5th set of lesson's she has taken (she is 3 now) and finally she has learned to swim. My son hated it so we took him out he was to affraid of the water getting in nose and mouth. I think you should try the free class they usually offer at AquaKids and see if he likes it. If not I would wait I feel like my daughter did so much better now that she is older and I am not in the water with her. I do have a few friends who started their kids really ealier and they were swimming after a 16 week course. It just depends on the kid.



answers from Dallas on


my son (15 months) has been taking swim lessons at Emler for about a year now and he absolutely loves it. While it is a great activity for him, it makes us feel more comfortable with him around water since he knows how to hold his breath for 10 seconds, holds on to the wall and can move through the water a little. Also, he is just not scared of water which is important to us as we are water people.
I don't know about possible health issues. Was worried about the chlorine at first but he does not seem to be bothered by it. We make sure to give him a bath after swim class but that is it.

I can only recommend to get a kid in the water as early as possible.




answers from Dallas on

Our physical therapist recommed it for Early Development, prior the fear of water start which is around 9-12 months. I take safety precaucious, ear plugs, hat, sun block, etc.
They are in aquaous medium for 9 months during pregnancy, so it's very soothing to them.
My baby is 6 months old and he loves it.

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