Early on like this, you can't really tell. It's more like "What was that?" "Was that something?" It's not necessary to know, even though you might like to. It's one of those things that you shouldn't really spend time trying to analyze LOL.
im 17 weeks along right now and the doctor said by the time i go for my next ultrasound in 2 weeks ill start to feel the baby moving around/kicking.. ive been doing alot of online reading and have read that even now i may feel the baby kicking they say it feels like a flutter.. how do u know the difference between kicking and gas or just your stomach gurgling or whatever.. is there a clear difference in these feelings or is it hard to tell early on ??
lol im glad people r saying it was a kick but what i wna know is is there a clear difference or is it hard to tell at this point?
.. and 2 days ago i woulda swore it was a kick and it was gas so now im not sure at all .. i have a hard time telling wether its my stomach or not
Early on like this, you can't really tell. It's more like "What was that?" "Was that something?" It's not necessary to know, even though you might like to. It's one of those things that you shouldn't really spend time trying to analyze LOL.
I had a hard time telling early on and I had two babies in there. I think how your baby is positioned may also affect how soon you feel something. I did feel it as a flutter early on...kind of like a tickle on the inside. But it took a while before I was absolutely certain. As time goes on it will feel stronger.
I took video near the end of my pregnancy where I could see my belly moving around as the babies moved. It's both amusing and a little freaky.
i never could tell, right up until he was born. i assumed it was kicking...but to me it just felt like a muscle twitch or spasm (or gas, same feeling in a way). i always had a hard time telling and i think i may have missed them at first to be honest.
I'd say you'd know for sure...'cause for me it was like something I had never felt before...a distinctive feeling.
I remember the first time I realized I was feeling my baby move. It did feel like a flutter. It was different from gas or stomach movement because of the location and the feeling. But, not having felt it before, I wasn't sure at first. As time went on, there was no mistaking that it was her, not me, making the movement. They got stronger and stronger.
It's very hard to tell at first. We felt first movement at 17 weeks, and the only reason I knew it was the baby was because my husbanc felt it too! It felt like a tiny thump on my palm.
To me it felt like bubbles popping. But in the beginning, it was hard to tell the difference. My daughter never really kicked, it was more of a rolling around.
I could not always tell whether it is gas or a kick, especially in the beginning...... but later on I knew. Especially with my second born. You can actually see your stomach move from the kick! And put your hand on your stomach and feel the kick.
It'll feel just odd enough that you'll know. I think we all know what gas feels like, so when you get that "was that the baby?" feeling, then it probably was. I think I felt my little guy around 20-21 weeks.
Sounds like a kick..