My daughter had warts on her feet. My doctor told me to give her the recommended daily allowance of folic acid and it would get rid of them. It actually worked for her. Lots easier than duct tape and freezing/burning them off.
my daughter seems to get a lot of warts on her hands. Thoughts or suggestions!
My daughter had warts on her feet. My doctor told me to give her the recommended daily allowance of folic acid and it would get rid of them. It actually worked for her. Lots easier than duct tape and freezing/burning them off.
I would take her to a good dermatologist.
Maybe you can find out what triggers them, be proactive and keep them at bay.
Does she have eczema? Warts caused by are a virus, and people with breaks in their skin (like the cracks caused by eczema) are more susceptible. If that's the case, the best way to avoid them is to keep the eczema under control.
What does her pediatrician say?
I'd take her to a dermatologist. How old is she? I went through a period of having them, they were located on my knee though.
You can but the acid plasters, cut them to size & apply after each shower, cover with a band aid.
Or try the freeze spray stuff.
My daughter gets eczema on her hands in the winter and got a wart! The derm cut it off (I think, hubby took her) and she's been good ever since. Does she get dry or cracked hands? See a pediatric Dermo and get her evaluated.