Yes yes yes!!! I would love that. We live in riverton and sometimes look at bullentin boards. Another way to advertise is put up something on this mamasource site. I can't wait!!!
I am a Life Coach and I'm planning a married couples workshop in June.
My problem is figuring out how to get to know more married couples.
My workshops are held away from where I live.
I am wondering if couples would attend a free introductory class
if it was posted on a bullitin board and whether people even notice them.
When you go shopping do you ever take the time to look at bullitin boards?
What would be the best way to get to know married couples?
Yes yes yes!!! I would love that. We live in riverton and sometimes look at bullentin boards. Another way to advertise is put up something on this mamasource site. I can't wait!!!
I think some people read the bulletin boards. The problem often is that the store has a policy of taking the signs down once a week, or some other such restriction.You might get some business cards and give them out,too. You can find offers on the internet for free ones (plus postage). Going to church and getting to know people there would be another way to meet people. Maybe the church would let you put up a notice, too. Be sure to list your credentials. Most people , including me, don't know what a life coach is or how you get to be one. Some schools might have a bulletin board, too. Best of luck!
i would definitely attend a free class. the bulletin boards we pay attention to are the ones at college and church. we rarely pay attention to those in stores. maybe you could put up a large temporary sign outside the building where the workshops are held, if there is someone regularly at the building to answer questions of those passing by. or put a flier on the door if it's a building used for other things.