When was the vasectomy? If it was more than 6 months ago, it is extremely unlikely that you are pregnant.
My husband has a Vasectomy I am 8 days late for my period. Is it possible I could be pregnant??? Oh my gosh I am so freaking out! (No I haven't been with anyone else either) I am just not sure if its the stress from moving that's made me late or if I actually could be. I am going to pick up a test today after work. I just thought I would ask you mama's what you think. I should also add that the vasectomy was 3 years ago and he went for the test after and he was sterile. There was another appt that he did not go to....
I took a test and it was negative! :) My husband was actually sad.
It's def stress!
Thank you all for your responses!
When was the vasectomy? If it was more than 6 months ago, it is extremely unlikely that you are pregnant.
Anything is possible. I know someone right now who had their vasectomy fail, and they're pregnant with their 5th child. Not helpful, I know. But it's possible.
But like the others have said, if he's tested clear, and it's been more than 6mos, you're probably fine and it's just stress.
When did he have the vasectomy?
Did he go back in to have samples tested, on two different occasions and did they come back sterile?
If the samples were clear and it has been at least 6 months since the procedure then it is highly likely your late period is due to your stress.
Don't test tonight. Test in the morning when your HCG concentration is the highest, otherwise you might get a false negative.
It's doubtful, but I knew a woman who got her tubes tied but still got pregnant! I think it's very rare but have heard of the same thing happening with vasectomy. I think you are on the right track to get a test just to make sure.
You don't say how old you are, but as I got to my late 30's my regular period started becoming less regular. Now that I'm past 45, my period can run anywhere from 14 days to 45 days and none of it is pregnancy related it's just peri-menopause. Stress and other things can throw your hormones off.
My husbands best friend had a vasectomy after their third was finally a boy! :-) Then momma came up pregnant...oh the concern. Well according to the doctor he had a tube they did not cut, or it grew back. They now have 5 children, and momma had a emergency hystroctomy and lost baby number six in tubal pregnancy. =(
So yes it is very possible to be pregnany. If you are, hope it is your little blessing! ~_~
Very unlikely. Relax...and take the test.
If your husband has gone back in, as requested, for tests and they've been clean it's highly unlikely that you're pregnant. I wonder why you've focused on that possibility rather than the stress that you're having which also causes periods to be late. Is it possible that you're feeling so stressed it's easy to choose the most stressful possibility?
I suggest that you talk to yourself, reminding yourself that this is not a pregnancy but a sign of stress and then find a way to relax. Perhaps start a walking or exercise routine to work off the stress energy.
Rarely can the ducts "grow back" together. I think you are just late.....don't worry