HATE VAMPIRES.......and Than again I used to hate zombies. Until my best friend introduced me to ''The walking Dead''. Then I found myself discussing with neighbors what our ''game plan'' for the zombie apocalypse would be.
I dont have cable, so I had to wait for a bootleg copy of the first half of season three......I am now awaiting the body count from my best friend on a weekly basis.
I have a panic disorder, so I can not have any form of adrenaline rush, if I can avoid it. so when I watch seasons one and two I had to have her with me to tell me what was going to happen ahead of time.
I still hate the cheesy side of the zombies. Netflix has a Documentary that makes a case that zombies could actually be a force to happen....It is totally farce if you ask me...but the kids enjoyed it.
I think ''The walking Dead'' hit it with a home run! The story line (albeit a little loose in the beginning but it worked enough to get the point across) hands down the best I have watched. The love story. The friendships and loss. Daryl and Carol! LOVE!
I think I have now watch from start to finish every episode about 100 times(if not more).......Season three was not as dark so my kids love the fact that they can handle it...More live people less dead.....Zombies more under control.
I can not wait for World War Z. The special effects look a little cheesy...I mean they have the zombies moving at the speed of sound and able to scale a whole building in the mater of seconds(at least from the trailers I have seen so far).
I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MY BOOTLEG COY OF SEASON 3 PART 2!!!! Until then I will look forward to my sneak peek trailers on AMC.com and from my besties.
Never thought I would be so addicted to Zombies. I will stop it at that. Vampires and werewolf's are just across my ''too cheesy'' line.
I ask you who has been the hardest loss for you on ''The walking Dead''?
Sophia killed me. I cried sooo hard.
I was happy to see Lori go. I thought they did it so tastefully.
T-Dawg was kind of a shock....but he did it to save carol, after he had been bite anyways.
I wish Andrea would just go already. Talk about a waste of story line...Although it does suite her to sell out on the one person who saved her....for the normal comforts of the old ways. She was always a pawn....so I guess keeping her has been smart.
Rick reminds me of my husband. Which made watching it the first time a little more of a tear fest.
I seriously could talk about this show for hours(ok maybe not hours plural but it is a fun show to talk strategics for fun!....also I found myself looking around my yard shed and garage for zombie killing tools......being laid up injured at home has made me a nerd:))