nope, it's just a societal genre right now. you can't force her to be interested in what she's not interested in.
i wouldn't sweat this one bit.
:) khairete
Hi Mommas and Grandmommas,
My 8 year grand daughter seems very preoccupied with vampires, werewolves, mummies and anything spooky. For months now(it's not just at Halloween) she picks only these kind of books to read and shows to watch. She has emotional issues regarding adoption and divorce plus ADHD along with oppositional disorder. When I try to steer her to lighter fair she's just not interested. Is this normal for this age or a sign of deeper emotional issues? ( I am totally not into spooky stuff myself)
I so appreciate your thoughtful responses.
Thank you, everyone, for your answers! I didn't realize that these things were a cultural thing. Being a grandma, I'm kind of out of the loop.
nope, it's just a societal genre right now. you can't force her to be interested in what she's not interested in.
i wouldn't sweat this one bit.
:) khairete
it's normal! Take a stroll thru the "middle reader" section of any store & that's what you're going to find. The teen books are even more so!
My son is 14 & is sooooo tired of the whole genre. He searches hard to find books not dealing with vampires, etc.
Please do not try to attach anything to this.....your granddaughter is simply the product of marketing, media, & current trends. As are many other children. My older son is 23 & his childhood fav books were R.L.Stein.... about as spooky as it gets!
Oh, & if she's oppositional....then she'll definitely pick what you don't want her to read! Time to relax, Grandma! By allowing her to read what her peers are reading, you're allowing her the freedom she might really need! & please!!! be thankful that she's reading!!
It's as normal as being into dragons 20 years ago.
KIds get interested in things. It's possible that with all the trauma she's been going through, she want's something that's a complete escape from the "normal" world.
That 'stuff' is all the Rage now :-) its Everywhere you look. I wouldnt look too deeply into. Unless you notice things getting out of control. I have been reading Ann Rice books (vampires etc) since I was 10! and it wasnt as popular and mainstream as it is now. I have a interest in all those 'spooky' things myself. I am a normal adult (at least I'd like to think so) LOL It could be a phase. Just go along with her !! GL
i say it's normal, all my step daughter (the tom boy) like to read about is draggon's and vampires, when she draws all she draws is draggon's and has my 8 year old drawing nothing but draggons...
I've always had a fascination with those things even when I was a kid. As long as it's not affecting her negatively, what's the harm. Plus, if you show an interest (even if you're not into that stuff), it will help you bond better with her. You don't want her to think 'my mom doesn't get it' and then you are pushed away.
The Twilight Series....this stuff is everywhere and geared for the tween and teen age group. It is the current fad and there is no escaping it. Although, I find Buffy the Vampire Slayer highly entertaining.
She sounds like a normal little girl enjoying the current fad. Just try and ensure that she is reading books that are on her age level. No Ann Rice books or the Stackhouse series for her. Get to know you librarians and have them make suggestions.
I just think we "older" folk grew up in an error when vamps, and werewolves were considered wrong...now they are mainstream entertainment.
My son reads mostly sci-fi fantasy series and I finally stopped fighting to get him read more, oh I don't know, Zane Grey or something. He is reading so that is a plus.
My son 6 lives for Zombies, mummies, vampieres since he is 2.
I was the same way and still love them,too.I do hate zombies, I remember my first movie, Dawn of the dead in the 70 ties, had nightmares for years.
I just wouldn't let them watch scary movies....but he does likes the lighter stuff....
I do not believe this is "normal" per se; however, with our culture's obsession with vampires it is not surprising. I see that you are her grandmother, not her mom. So, I am not sure at all what you can do about it. If her parents allow it, then this is where she is. However, when she is in your home, don't allow it at all. Give her other options and she can select within what you are offering. Don't let her read her books in your home. Have standards that must be met in your home. I'm so sorry for this little girl who is being shaped and molded by the paranormal. Such a sad situation for her. She needs to be shown pure and lovely things, not the evil and darkness that she is currently engulfed in.
I agree with everyone who's telling you it's perfectly normal. Be happy that she's found something interesting to read. Even in this day and age many children aren't reading as much as they should. I would encourage reading in most forms (yes, even comic books). Maybe you could pick up one of the books she's reading and see why she finds it so interesting. Heck, four years ago or so I encouraged my daughter and her friends to read the Twilight series and our whole family loves it. We even make appointment tv when Vampire Diaries comes on Thursday nights (although this is definitely too risque for an 8 year-old).
normal, no sign of anything but an interest in a genre of books
my daughters both went through that stage, one quickly, the other not so much, both are just fine and normal