I sorda disagree with Deb...sorry Deb :).
Most kids that age still need assistance in the bathroom, and do for about a year, it is a learning process. Offer to wipe her when she is done if she will sit herself down, offer any form of compromise so she knows that she is still important. I understand wanting them to get it done on their own. I have 7 and when their is a new baby we almost feel a rush to "make it happen", but at 2 she is still a toddler, and potty training still has up's and downs, they can do great for months and relapse, it also shouldn't be a battle. Think about it wouldn't it of just been easier to compromise with her, then stand there and "force" the issue, life is about compromises, so it is also teaching her another little life lesson.
But when an accident happens she should help to clean it. Hope it gets better soon.