typing w one hand, pls excuse typos...
my favorite source is greenmountaindiapers.com
the owner is a mom and writes helpful descriptions on all the products and has pictures of the products on babies!
I have tried a lot of different covers and my favorite by fr is the thirsties cover. It has the best coverage and therefore the best leak protection. Also I like the wide selection of solid colors. Definitely do NOT buy the "Litewrap" or the "Cot-N-Wrap" or any other cover by this company. They all leak at the seams! Bummis are the most popular brand, but Thirsties are almost exactly like the Bummi Super Brite, but has better coverage, like I said.
You will probably get by fine with 2 dozen diapers, 2 covers, and 1 snappy fastener (no pins - and looks cool). You can definitely end up spending A LOT of money on cloth diapers and accessories, but the bare minimum has served me pretty well. I actually have more diapers now because I bought 2 dozen cheaper "flat diapers" - you have to fold them up yourself, and they're not as soft - I don't think I'd recommend them now.
Now I wash diapers a little more than once a week. With 2 dozen you'll be doing diaper laundry every 2-3 days, but you're really not supposed to let them sit longer than that anyway. Of course, speaking of laundry, you will be spending money on water and electricity, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to buying all those disposables. We're on a well, and I plan to start drying mine in the sun now that spring is coming.
Also, another laundry note - you'll need to find detergent that is free of most additives. Brighteners in particular are bad for the covers because they cause them to stop being waterproof! Enzymes (stain removers) are particularly bad for the diapers because when the baby wets them they can become reactivated and start eating the baby's skin! I use Woolite when I have covers in the diaper laundry and Sun Free and Clear when it's just the diapers.
Gotta go! Feel free to message me if you have more questions!