Sure there are a lot of programs out there to organize your photos, but unless you are a photographer or a curator, it is all probably too expensive and not necessary. If you are on a PC, you already have a "My Photos" folder on your computer. That is sufficient. In there you can create additional folders 2006, 2007, 2008, etc. Within each year, you can create additional folders with event names or baby names. If there are more than one date under that event, you may even create more folders within the event.
So for two trips to Disneyland in 2008, you should have paths that look like this:
My photos\2008\Disneyland\March 28 2008
My photos\2008\Disneyland\August 25 2008
The photos will sit in the folder named March 28 2008.
It shouldn't be too hard to clean up. As you find a set of photos, copy them, paste them in their new location, VERIFY their existence in the new location, and then go back to the old location and delete them.
You may want 2 sets of photos. You may want one in the Disneyland folder and one in the L. folder. That is okay to do, just copy and paste the additional image in the My Photos\2008\L.\March 28 2008 folder.
You should be fine with storage space. I am a photographer and keep up to 2 years of photos sitting on the hard drive.
You may want to purchase an external hard drive to back up the photos. They are very easy to use. Plug them into the USB port and copy and past everything in the "My Photos" into the drive you see the external drive sitting in. It is important, but do one thing at a time and get them organized first.
Remember, you computer file system is no different than your physical file cabinet. Look at it if you had to leave someone written instruction as to how find a specific paper in a large file cabinet. You have four drawers in that cabinet, Drawer A, Drawer B, Drawer C, Drawer D. You would instruct that person Open Drawer C, Hanging folder, Autos, folder Mercedes and then instruct them to find the service record from May 28. No different, it is just on your computer.
When you get to the point that you think you have found them all, send me a message and I will show you how to look for all photos on the computer to locate any photos that may be hiding somewhere you didn't look.
I hope you find this helpful and not overload.
Best of luck.