PA-LEEZE! Last weekend, I had to let my COMPLETELY unadultered 17 yo son go graduation party hopping.
Me: Dan, don't get in a car with a kid you know has been drinking, or smoking.
Dan: We're all geeks mom, nobody drinks or smokes. Nobody even drives a car.
Me: Well, you've got condoms right? Don't get anyone pregnant please.
Dan: We're all Dudes, Mom. There's a Call Of Duty tourney at Adam's, and a World of War Craft tourney at Andrew's.
Me: Well, you better text me and tell me where you are and how you got there if you go somewhere else.
Dan: K, well Adam's Mom is driving us around.
Me: (Heavy sigh) ok, well be a smart kid, and have fun.
Dan: (Ignores and gets out of my car) :( Then, opens the door back up and says "Thanks".)
See, in less than two months he goes away to college and that's that. Furthermore, he's my SECOND kid going away to college.
So yeah, you think letting them all hang out in the front while you're cooking dinner is rough, just wait, girl.....!