Your baby is crying even though you’ve already changed and fed her.
Your baby has a hard time burping or spits up a lot.
Your baby is kicking/pumping her legs.
Your baby’s belly looks bloated or full.
You’ve tried more than one bottle/nipple type.
You’ve switched formulas to help with fussiness.
*If you are unsure, or if your baby has a fever, it could be something more serious than gas, so talk to your Pediatrician.if you breastfeeding make sure to prevent eat
"gassy" foods such as beans, bran, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, caffeine, and onions while you are nursing. These can cause your infant to get gas.
Avoid feeding your baby cow's milk, as it can cause infant gas. Talk to your pediatrician about other options.
Make sure the nipple is the right size if you are bottle-feeding. If the nipple is too large, it will make your baby eat too fast; if it's too small, it will cause your baby to gulp air.
Burp your baby every one to two ounces during feedings, or before switching breasts if nursing.
Burp your baby up against your shoulder, face down across your lap, or sitting upright on your lap, supporting her head and chest as you gently pat her back.
Avoid jostling or playing vigorously with your baby after feedings.
Encourage quiet time after your baby eats.
If baby is prone to getting gas, don't forget, MYLICON® is safe enough to give with every feeding*.
* Use only as directed. Do not exceed 12 doses per day.
How can I relieve my baby’s gas?
Hold your baby gently, but securely, over your arm in a face-down position, known as the "gas hold."
Give your baby an anti-gas medicine to break
I hope this can hepl you.