This was my 3rd kids, that is why he did. And i dont go to that obgyn anymore. i think he just tied them, does that mean that i mit be able to get pregant??
I am 26 years old, i had my tubes tied 3 years ago and now i found a great man, and i want to have another baby. Can i get pregant with my tubes tied?? Please help me
This was my 3rd kids, that is why he did. And i dont go to that obgyn anymore. i think he just tied them, does that mean that i mit be able to get pregant??
Tubal ligation reversals are very difficult. The tubes are small, and there is scar tissue from the first surgery and there will be more from any reversal surgery. Scar tissue means it's very difficult for the egg to get through, and also that there is a much higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life-threatening.
It sounds like you did not get very good pre-operative counseling because you didn't confront the issue of ending your fertility and what that meant, particularly at a young age. I worked for some years as a counselor and we made sure that every man and woman seeking this procedure understood that they were choosing to end their chances of having other children. We always asked the "what if?" questions: What if you meet a new person? What if you lose custody of the kid(s) you have? What if, God forbid, you child dies and you want another one? What if what if what if.
What were you thinking at 23 that changed so drastically in 3 years? I'm not saying a 23 year old can't have the operation, but why were you not informed of the risks and costs (physical, emotional, financial) of surgical reversal? And why were you not educated enough by your doctor or other medical staff to know what tubal ligation even means? (Unless I misunderstand your question.)
I think you need to see a fertility specialist to evaluate your surgical outcome and your potential as a candidate for reversal, as well as to look at insurance coverage (which probably will not apply so you will pay out of pocket).
I think you should spend a lot of time in this relationship before you undergo another surgery to be sure this is something you both want to undergo. Make sure he will want you even if you cannot have more children. Make sure you are both ready to undergo the stress and the financial outlay of the operation (which takes longer than the original). Make sure he is the kind of man who will be at your side if you have one or more ectopic pregnancies and the resulting emergencies. Whatever you did at 23, you obviously weren't sure. Don't make that mistake again.
Not that this answers your question, but what doctor tied your tubes at 23. Where I worked they would have never do it for the exact reason you are on here. I am not sure if it is possible.
It depends on the procedure your doctor used when tying your tubes. Some surgeries can be reversed and some cannot, you'll have to talk to your doctor. I'm honestly surprised that your doctor was willing to do the procedure when you were only 23 years old.
Hum, why would I think this is a troll? Could it be asking a stupid question like asking if you can get pregnant with your tubes tied when every doctor goes over this before you get your tubes tied....or is it because no doctor would do the elective procedure for anyone under 30 unless there was a dire medical reason?
Either will work I suppose.
I'm not buying it, new poster. Doctors REFUSE to tie tubes on women your age. Not buying it, new poster.
Most tubals are able to be reversed but the pregnancy success rate is between 45 and 70%. IVF is also an option.
If you are asking if you will get pregnant without having a corrective procedure the answer is probably not. Tubals are very effective at preventing pregnancy.
Sometimes you can still get pregnant but have to have medical help. You can do several procedures that bypass the tubes but they are expensive. They fertilize the egg in a petri dish then implant it into your uterus. I believe that you have to be taking some medication to help it be ready for the egg though. I didn't have it done so I'm certainly not knowledgeable.
I'd make an appointment with a good OB/GYN who specializes in fertility so you can find out what the possibilities are.
Wow I cannot believe many of you are stating that a doctor would not tie tubes prior to 30. Whether this post is a troll or not the fact is many reputable doctors will tie tubes of women prior to 30. I had mine ____@____.com by a very reputable OB/GYN.
As for the answer to the actual question several posters already did give you a real and thorough answer.
Go to the doctor who tied your tubes 3 years ago and ask him/her what your chances are. If a doctor is willing to sterilize a 23 year old, he/she needs to know what a terrible impact it can have on a woman later down the line.
Then after you've made that doctor look you in your face and tell you what your odds are, find a new doctor.