My son was 16 months old when I weaned him, and he was waking 2-3 times a night to nurse. I wanted to be done nursing, so I slowly eliminated one feeding at a time, over a period of about 10 days, taking a few days between each time I took a feeding away, so he could adjust. I don't know how you feel about the crying it out thing, but that's what I did. When my son woke up wanting to nurse, I would go to him and comfort him, tell him I was there, but I didn't pick him up. The first night was the worst, but after that, he did better. After I eliminated the last feeding, he started sleeping mostly through the night--he went through several months where he would still wake around 4 in the morning, but if I just gave him a quick hug, he went right back to sleep. He still isn't the best sleeper, and he gets up for the day at 6 am (that's the worst!), but at least the nursing is finished.