Please hover your mouse over her name then click on show in newsfeed. When it's unchecked her posts will not show up on your wall.
Problem solved.
That said. She is doing what most people do. If you don't want to see it then do the above steps and you won't see her posts at all unless you go to her wall to see what she has to say.
The drama is sometimes fun....sometimes it is riveting and other times it so off the wall and foul. I have a cousin that uses language that I didn't want the kids to walk up behind me and ask "Grandma, what does x.x.x.x.x.x spell and what does it mean" he doesn't show up on my wall. But I don't want to un-friend him, I enjoy a lot of his posts and shares. I just don't like the words he uses sometimes. So I go to his wall when the kids are in bed.
You can also limit everyone's posts on your wall by hovering your mouse over their names then clicking on settings. Un-check everything except status updates and you won't get anything they don't type in a post themselves.
I un-check everything except games on people I am only friends with for the purpose of games. I don't know them and don't care to see the stuff they have going on in their lives. So I only see their game posts.