Tonsils and Adenoids Surgery

Updated on May 25, 2010
J.M. asks from Blackwell, OK
7 answers

Hi, my daughter who is 8 will be getting her tonsils and adenoids removed on June 8. My questions are....what can i expect, does anyone have an advice on what would help for her to eat/drink, i have heard no milk or milk products the first day or so. Also how long does it take for recovery, they mentioned few days to 2 weeks or more.

Just wanted to hear your suggestions and what may have worked for you. Thanks!!

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answers from Columbus on

We had a really good experience with our daughter, I know that they use several different procedures, our doctor said that he shaved hers, which is the least painful, and had he known she had as many nodes or something, he would have used something else, so it may depend on the technique the doctor uses.

She did great, was up and eating a PB&J by noon (I think her sister ate most of the popcycles!) Some kids do really well, and some not, so you should be ready for a wide range of possiblities. I hope your child has it as easy as mine did, but I would be sure to leave the hospital with pain meds and not ever let her pain get out of control. When I have had surgery, I know that the key is to keep ahead of the pain.


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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Shreveport on

My neice had that procedure done when she was about that age and it only took about two days and she was up and at it. She only eat jello and ice cream for a couple of days and we gave her plenty of fluids. Water, powerade, etc. The doctor should give you a list of do's and dont's and have's and have not's. Tell your daughter she will be fine.




answers from Sioux Falls on

My son was about the same age when he had his done. It did not phase him one bit! He either has a high pain threshold, or the procedure was no sweat! He was back to himself in a day. He was mad at me because I wouldn't let him have a hamburger the next day!


answers from Little Rock on

Hi J.,
I had them takein out when I was young and the things that I remember is anything cold felt AWSOME. But stay away from any juices( OJ,GRAPE, APPLE ect.) the acid will hurt the thoat and you will have a hard time getting her drink anything for awhile. And you don't her to get dehydrated. Also try to stay away any hot foods such as SOUPS. I loved popcycles and any thing soft to eat. And yes watch the dairy products. But ask the doc if you have any questions.
Tell your daughter to get well soon and mom hang in there.



answers from Houston on

Both my youngest son and my daughter had to have this proceedure. It's different for each child. My son was eating solid food within 2 days and had no difficulties at all. My daughter vomited blood for 3 days after the surgery; was kept in the hospital for 4 days; and was miserable for 2 weeks.
Your doctor will give you instructions - but both of my kids (my daughter is 28, and I lost my son 10 days before his 21st birthday) had icecream within hours of their surgery. Things may have changed since then.
Best case - follow the instructions you are given at the hospital to the letter. Don't deviate, and call the doctor if any problems crop up. By the way, both kids used an ice pack on their throats and it really helped them. I remembered this from my own T&A when I was a kid (we won't discuss how long ago this was!)

Best of wishes to you and your daughter!



answers from Los Angeles on

My kids were 3 and 4 when they had theirs removed. Keeping hydrated was a big issue and not to use straws. Smart Water was a great drink, think gatorade w/o the sugar or flavor. Soft foods for the first week, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, mac and cheese etc. Our biggest problem is that they were hungry! Always make sure that they are on top of meds before eating. I also used baby food those first few days, fruit mixed with oatmeal to fill them up, my kids were young enough not to mind. (Baby oatmeal mixes in cold food easily.) Fruit smoothies make with protein powder and yogurt are great too.

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