My daughter had hers removed a few days before Christmas last year at age 8. That was the only time they had available during the winter break so we went for it. She did great! The procedure was only 45 minutes. It was nerve wracking to wait until the surgeon came in and let us know she was doing fine, but it wasn't a long wait.
We had tons of soft foods on hand. They told us to try to have her eat popsicles and things that aren't milk products, but she really wanted ice cream, so she did have that now and then and was fine. I made her drink often. We kept close track of medication times and made sure we stayed on top of the schedule so she had it in her system for at least one full day. She only hit one rough patch when she was in quite a bit of pain and cried. :( It was because we didn't dose her in the middle of the night or early enough in the morning. During that time, she had trouble drinking because it hurt. Once the pain meds kicked in again, she was much better and drinking fine. At her age, I could remind her that she needed to drink often or we'd have to go to the doctor. It was nice that she understood that, vs. a very small child who would not understand why you are making them drink.
We didn't have any issues with throwing up or anything. I think she might have had to spit up the scabs in the sink (sorry!) when those fell off, but it wasn't that bad.
She was fine on Christmas, three days after surgery, and even ate a little bit of turkey and mashed potatoes. She was quiet, but had fun. We had a day-long play date on the 5th day, because we had agreed to help watch that little friend while her dad worked. They played quietly, but had a great time.
One other thing to note, her voice changed temporarily, but is now back to normal. It's common to have a slightly higher pitched voice for a while.